Week 6 Summary: Feb. 20-26

I hesitate to echo my summaries from weeks four and five, but again, I am struggling with finding the time to post here on my lifestream blog.
One positive thing that’s happened during this is that I’ve decided to abandon the IoT MOOC and switch to another MOOC on FutureLearn from Tel Aviv University: The Holocaust: An Introduction – Part 2. I reported this news in a post HERE. Given my interest in the Holocaust and my previous blog posts about it in Block 1, this seems like the right choice to make. I’m now thinking, why didn’t I decide to study this Holocaust MOOC in the beginning? Better late than never, I suppose.
Since I decided to join the Holocaust MOOC, I was reminded of a documentary film on Ellen Burka – legendary Canadian figure skating coach. I posted the YouTube documentary video in a post HERE. I remember when Skate to Survive first came out and I purchased the DVD which had to be shipped from Israel. How nice that it’s on YouTube now for all to see!
I have also been reinvigorated this week through our #mscedc Twitter community with some proof of this in tweets HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
Week 6 has also been a time for me to re-visit the readings – especially Knox (2015), Kozinets (2010) and Stewart (2013).
My favourite quote from Kozinets (2010):
“When information and communications technology is cast into the world, and moist life breathed into its brittle, dry circuitry, it turns out that it is used to manifest culture and build community.”
And finally, in THIS post, I included some of my rough planning notes in preparation for my micro-ethnography presentation.
Knox, J. 2015. Community Cultures. Excerpt from Critical Education and Digital Cultures. In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. M. A. Peters (ed.). DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_124-1
Kozinets, R. V. (2010) Chapter 2 ‘Understanding Culture Online’, Netnography: doing ethnographic research online. London: Sage. pp. 21-40.
Stewart, B., (2013). Massiveness + Openness = New Literacies of Participation? MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Technology, 9(2), pp.228–238.