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Category: Block 1: Cybercultures

Brainstorming…on paper.

Brainstorming…on paper.

I was chatting with Chenée on WhatsApp about her post on culture. It’s great to be able to reach out to friends on the course to discuss topics and to support each other. 

In this quick sketch, I jotted down some key words and thoughts about our first block on Cyberculture. How does online culture relate to internet culture and what is the difference between the two? What relationship will our lifestream blogs have to our Twitter hashtag #mscedc? In which online space will we create these relationships?

Image of my brainstorming sketch.
Week 1 Summary

Week 1 Summary

Week 1 Summary: Jan. 16-22

How am I going to curate this lifestream blog?

Although I love the process of creating and making, I am apprehensive about the public nature of our blogs for this course. Please find an introduction post about me HERE and links to some of my social media channels for #mscedc here: Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Soundcloud and Tumblr.

This week I have been trying to make connections with my classmates on Twitter and through their lifestream blogs. I’ve also been watching the Film Festival video content and delving into the block one readings. 

I made a rather ‘all over the place’ post HERE asking questions about posthumanism and cyberculture, and discussed a chapter by Sterne (2006).

I agreed to join Chenée in a MOOC about machine learning in THIS tweet and enjoyed tweeting some introductory ‘welcome to the course’ tweets HERE and HERE.

I’m trying to understand cybercultures – a foreign, yet exciting topic. I’m also looking forward to learning from my many brilliant peers in this course. I know some of them from previous classes and have witnessed their insightful and significant contributions before.

Cyberculture, etc.

Cyberculture, etc.

I’m having trouble with the notion of ‘posthumanism’ and of what it means, exactly. I’m also thinking about culture, digital culture and internet culture – of what they mean and their implications for teaching and learning…

Jumping off from Sterne, J (2006) The historiography of cyberculture, chapter 1 of Critical cyberculture studies. New York University Press. pp.17-28., I found THIS chapter, also from Sterne (2006), discussing how ‘sound’ is neglected in cyberculture studies. I wonder if sound and audio should be highlighted in my visual artefact?

A noteworthy quote from Sterne (2006) (screenshot):


Sterne (2006) Chapter found in Critical Cyberculture Studies, edited by Silver and Massanari. Link here: