Week 7 Summary
Week 7 Summary: Feb. 27 – Mar. 5
This week I spent most of my time creating my micro-ethnography on Adobe Spark called Stories of a MOOC: thoughts & experiences (and also found here). I first began my MOOC micro-ethnography/netnography in FutureLearn’s The Internet of Things but after spending some time immersed in the MOOC community, realised it was not for me. Thankfully, I found The Holocaust: An Introduction – Part 2; this MOOC was very intense and I was able to get involved with this community at a deeper level.
I was delighted to discover Adobe Spark which I used to create my micro-ethnography presentation. Through my weekly exploration of the course content and readings, making notes, and in looking at my classmates’ blogs, I have learned a great deal; the value of online communities is definitely apparent. I also spent a lot of time creating three videos for my ethnography found here, here and here.
Additionally, I spent time engaging with our #mscedc community conversations on Twitter, with examples here, here and here. I made comments on others’ blogs, mostly in reference to the visual artefacts – such amazing work! I also pinned my location on Eli’s #mscedc community Google map; it’s interesting to see how our class is dispersed throughout the globe yet through the affordances of digital technology we are able to come together, collapsing time and distance.
Finally, in honour of community and camaraderie, I chose to respond to Dirk’s visual artefact with a robot voice video of myself… Perhaps a little silly, but I thought Dirk might appreciate my effort with keeping in ‘cyborg’ spirit!