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Category: Week 10

@HerrSchwindenh_ nice excel sheet and some great questions here, Dirk! #mscedc #whatdoesitmean

@HerrSchwindenh_ nice excel sheet and some great questions here, Dirk! #mscedc #whatdoesitmean

from notwithabrush

Twitter! What a great community we’ve created!

Twitter! What a great community we’ve created!

I am thinking about our Tweetorial and of how this EDC class has used Twitter, #mscedc, to it’s utmost. I find it comforting to know that when I wake up and check Twitter, I’m always sure to find a tweet, or twelve, from my classmates. Our use of Twitter has created a wonderful and supportive community and, in my view, relates back to our Community Cultures in Block 2. I’ve also gained more Twitter followers since the Tweetorial… #awesome!

Here’s a quick video I made:

Twitter in Education

While researching for the use of Twitter in education, I came across the following interesting links:

Twitter in Education

Interrogating educatioNZ

and a search of articles in SAGE journals

Hangouts Tutorial

Hangouts Tutorial


I was so grateful to be able to have the time to participate in today’s EDC Hangouts tutorial. It was great to engage in discussion with Jeremy, James and my classmates – and despite having the flu, I’m thankful to have the time off of work to join the video call!

@nigelchpainting wow Nigel this is incredible! Fantastic visual narrative taking us on a human-machine journey! #cyborg #mscedc

@nigelchpainting wow Nigel this is incredible! Fantastic visual narrative taking us on a human-machine journey! #cyborg #mscedc

from notwithabrush