Weekly Update (Week 8)

In Granieri’s article, it mentioned that algorithmic culture can facilitate us with new information of similar interests and preferences.  With the existing preference to provide more information in which it is believed that the reader will love to read, this is stated to be personalization.  However, it also creates a possibility that this undermines other areas of interests due to the limited boundaries set by the existing search preferences.

When I think critically about algorithmic culture, I immediately have the “fake peppa pig” BBC trending video in mind, together with the real experience which my daughter has encountered.  An aged 4 girl having very limited spelling / search capability, she can only type “peppa” or even “pig” and finally she managed to find out the fake series in YouTube.  I was surprised to see that “Toys and Funny Kids”, appearing to be a child friendly channel, has accumulated over 5 billion views.

The third blog stated about some popular educational technology support with the rise of algorithm.  Majority of the tools are new to me such as some adaptive learning systems and process intelligence tools.  However, there is still room to validate if they are good to apply in digital education in real cases.

As mentioned in Knox’s article, it reminds us to be critical enough on algorithmic culture.  Are the sources objective enough?  Do we also look into the accuracy of the algorithmic result?



Knox, J. 2015. Algorithmic Cultures. Excerpt from Critical Education and Digital Cultures. In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. M. A. Peters (ed.). DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_124-1

The disturbing YouTube videos that are tricking children

from Twitter https://twitter.com/at108hk

March 29, 2017 at 11:29PM

Algorithmic culture. “Culture now has two audiences: people and machines”

from Twitter https://twitter.com/at108hk

March 29, 2017 at 11:13PM

MOOC comparison

As I have better understanding about MOOCs in this study block, I am curious to take a closer look at different MOOC providers and know about their similarities and differences.  I have found a table from mooclab.com and it is worth looking into it as a start for comparison.  It is based on MOOC users’ experience and scoring to come up with the result.  To look at the top 5 overall rating, those are the “well known” ones which you / Jeremy have recommended in the course blog, except Saylor Academy I have never heard of.  I am amazed that Coursera has accumulated 23,000,000 users and has offered over 1,800 courses!


from Flickr http://flic.kr/p/SxdR4c

Weekly Summary – Implications of online community communication

online community的圖片搜尋結果

This week I continue some inputs on online communities and I focus more on how people can be facilitated with the online community communications.  In Nielson’s article, it mentioned that 90% of online users are lurkers.  Another interesting point is about his observation about the power of online communities.  It states to

– Build personal relationshipsand networks of trust.

– Bring together peoplewith common interests or profiles.

–  Engagethese specific groups of people.

Thus, in order to bring people together virtually who never met before, and majority being Lurkers, they are attracted together with common interests and they can gradually build personal networks among themselves and they become more engaged with each other.  As mentioned by xxx, Lurkers have the potential “to become a newbie, a neo or neophate”.

My input on Starbucks online community can be an example.  Starbucks is encouraging customers to give voices and contribute to their online community.  It is “less commercial” to encourage customers to interact among themselves “Because we believe marvelous things happen when you put great coffee and great people together.”  This is an excellent example to demonstrate the 3 aspects about the power of online communities.

In addition to better engagement for online community members, Vala Afshar mentioned that 67% of companies collect ideas for new products or features directly from customers.  In digital education, to what extent can people create new ideas via online learning community?  This would be interesting to explore!


Kozinets, R. V. (2010) Chapter 2 ‘Understanding Culture Online’, Netnography: doing ethnographic research online. London: Sage. pp. 21-40.

Nielsen, J. (2006).  “The 90-9-1 Rule for Participation Inequality in Social Media and Online Communities” by Neilson Norman Group


Online communities can generate new ideas!

from Twitter https://twitter.com/at108hk

February 21, 2017 at 12:29PM

Starbucks is encouraging customers to give voices to their online community

This inspires me that when people are more collaboratively connected, they will be more eager to share and this makes people to learn from each other virtually.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/at108hk

February 21, 2017 at 12:27PM