Haven't done my blog post yet, but quick thinglink on #mscedc tweetorial https://t.co/3x5nZzIAK9
— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) March 23, 2017
Daily Archives: March 23, 2017
Tweet! Tools for analysis
@ClareThomsonQUB @mhawksey #mscedc That's fantastic Clare and a great tool for analysis. Wld be interesting to compare to Twitter archive.
— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) March 23, 2017
It is easy to see how different tools used to analyse data affect what is reported to us.
Tweet! Political geographies
'class and race' visualised as geog of academic achievement #mscedc https://t.co/BjzxP9ndYK
— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) March 23, 2017
This map makes visible a geography of academic achievement with inherent class and race implications and shows educational achievement as both marking and constructing divisions in society.
Mapping the geography of academic attainment
Big data can be harnessed for good or wielded as unimpeachable fact to direct our action in pursuit of anothers’ gain. As Enyon states,
as a community we need to shape the agenda rather than simply respond to the one offered by others
(Enyon, 2013, p.238)
Eynon, R. (2013). The rise of Big Data: what does it mean for education, technology, and media research? Learning, Media and Technology. pp.237-240.
You Tube! OpenEssayist
I watched a demonstration of this automated essay-improving software on YouTube and desperately want to try it out to see if it works. I thought it interesting that in these days of hypermedia one of the aims of OpenEssayist was to ensure student essays followed the traditional beginning, middle and end, showing how our narrative linear literacies have not been challenged here.
Tweet! Never a single view of anything
culture, comms and algos 'we r past the days whre thr can be one single picture that encaps national taste' https://t.co/n8eZFua6NN #mscedc
— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) March 23, 2017
Learning analytics can add to our understanding of the conditions for learning when used in conjunction with human judgement and triangulated with information from other sources. More importantly, it is a measure of wider political and societal concerns such as the marketization of education led by Silicon Valley giant corporations.
Algorithms made manifest

Image from https://hellohart.com/2015/05/25/the-mathematics-of-crochet/
by crocheting computer-generated instructions of the Lorenz manifold: all crochet stitches together define the surface of initial conditions that under influence of the vector field generated by the Lorenz equations end up at the origin; all other initial conditions go to the butterfly attractor that has chaotic dynamics. The overall shape of the surface is created by little local changes: adding or removing points at each step
Art or craft can make complex mathematics ‘visible’ for the layperson revealing its beauty and intricacies and opening up ways of understanding what composes our black boxed technologies.
Tweet! Wearing algorithms
@j_k_knox How could we use 'non-representational' data? We could wear it! https://t.co/tSWWXkg0BK #mscedc
— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) March 23, 2017
Tweet! Absence and presence
@HerrSchwindenh_ #mscedc Thanks for posting this Dirk. I did notice Angela was missing!
— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) March 23, 2017
What Learning Analytics prioritises may have little to do with what we consider important for learning.
Tweet! Manipulating behaviour
@j_k_knox #mscedc Could be sinister, could be 'opportunity' ref my comment to Eli ?? https://t.co/GOE7BC3LYk
— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) March 23, 2017