Tag Archives: Comments for Daniel’s EDC blog

Comment on Netography 5 – A conceptual map of Drumeo as a space of flows by chills

Hi Daniel

I really like your ethnography, thanks for sharing this experience. I like it because of the great self-reflection it has afforded you – it voices so many of the type of things we experience in online groups but which often remain unacknowledged. I like the way you have explored lots of aspects of the mooc – the political, the participation, the peer reviewing, the lecture … but what I like best is that I feel I have really experienced a bit of the mooc myself and although I won’t take up drumming any time soon, you have enabled a way in to a community I wouldn’t have had a clue about. (Now, where are those chopsticks …. !)


from Comments for Daniel’s EDC blog http://ift.tt/2lcHfge

Comment on Netography 12 – End of project break up letter by chills

Hi Daniel (and Helen!)

Thanks for posting this. I hadn’t heard of break up or love letters for design research and I’m grateful to you both for having given me the heads-up and for providing a living example! I am guessing that they elicit more information than other methodologies because of their focus on the emotional and also because we are familiar with the literacies of the genre (!). They probably also work because instead of completing an impersonal questionnaire, the letter writer is made to feel central and important. I feel averse to them when they are used cynically for brand/consumer research – they remind me of that phrase ‘your opinion is important to us’, but they would be great for all sorts of inquiry. I love the creative way you’ve used it for your mooc break up and admire your expressive delivery – I would have been too self-conscious!


from Comments for Daniel’s EDC blog http://ift.tt/2lqZE4f