New blog post entitled: "Cyborgs and Week 2’s Film Festival" at
— C (@c4miller) January 31, 2017
Month: January 2017
Cyborgs and Week 2’s Film Festival
We are but one step away from becoming cyborgs ourselves. Unlike the guy in the video below, our enhancements are only temporary. I have modified myself with connection to keyboard and screen. I become something I am not born as. But I can, thankfully, extract myself. Much like the lady in the video who leaves her partner, unable to form a bond with the machine that he has become, a warning, that if we spend too much time even in our pre-cyborg state, our social connections will suffer.
For all our specie’s complexity and aspirations toward greatness, without food, sleep, water, warmth and social connection, we’re not much use at all.
The music video was played at the end of the Monday togethertube session I attended. So it would appear that I can draw on this item from Week 2’s film festival through Haraway’s “A Cyborg Manifesto”. I just finished work at 22:45, and I’m up at 06:00….. instead of writing this post, I’ll park it, and come back to it. Instead of reading A Cyborg Manifesto, I’ll go set up my Virtual Reality and become a cyborg myself. Actually, instead of doing any of these things, I’ll get a good night’s sleep and maybe feel more refreshed, and more human, in the morning.
From Twitter Virtual reality headsets makes jurassic park come to life. Would you want to run with a Trex? #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 30, 2017
From Twitter
Matrix Reloaded. Machines can produce perfection, but humanity cannot handle it (Architect QUote) #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 30, 2017
From Twitter
Are there cultural differences in how we consume tech? Very much so. #mscedc Computer Gaming for example
— C (@c4miller) January 30, 2017
From Twitter
Even when entirely consumed by a technology that separates us physically, our human need for society, tradition, ceremony and personal contact remains and will find ways to be expressed.
Love in a virtual elevator? Weddings in the virtual realm. #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 30, 2017
From Twitter: bridging the phsyical gap that technology facilitates
“The world is smaller” I read and hear around the internet regularly enough. Mostly down to communications and shared media through technology, especially the internet. Flip side is that it is also easier to be apart from people you have formed relationships with. Not necessarily physical relationships, but if it is that sort of relationship, technology can attempt to bridge the gap too.
How do you form physical bonds when you're not physically near someone? Here's one possible solution #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 30, 2017
From Twitter: Another successful Togethertube meeting
Film Festival Monday night catch-up. Starting at 6pm GMT: #mscedc
— Helen Walker (@helenwalker7) January 30, 2017
Great TogetherTube catch up with @Eli_App_D, @learntechstu, @c4miller, @notwithabrush, @DigiWWWorld and @philip_downey. Thanks all! #mscedc
— Helen Walker (@helenwalker7) January 30, 2017
From Twitter – “Serious” Virtual Reality?
I'm going to conduct my entire week's worth of (non core-reading activity) in VR next week for #mscedc. #funorheadache.
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter
New blog post entitled: "Week 2 – reflections" at
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter: VR meeting spaces
If Virtual Reality (VR) is to become successful/popular/widespread, it will meet the “needs” of online communication. Something like AltSpace VR will provide a social space similar to instant messaging, facebook messages, hangouts and so on. The implications of doing so are worth studying, as we merge our human self with the machine in an “alternative” universe which exists solely through binary code running on computers somewhere on the internet.
anyone up for a meeting in AltSpace VR next week sometime? I don't think you actually need to have a VR device.
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
Week 2 – reflections
This week, I *think* I’m starting to get a feel for how the course is working as constructivist activity: We’re learning by “doing” to a certain extent; we’re given relatively minimal guidance whilst still being observed; we’re using community to bolster our understanding; and we’re being asked to reflect on our past experiences with an aim to realisation that what has gone the week before was the correct step.
Reading and commenting on other blog posts has been a great motivator. IFTTT has been demotivating.
I’ve posted about core readings because that gives me some grounding. It is a recognisable action carried on from IDEL assignments and blog posts. There is comfort there. I have blogged about technology, VR particularly, because all this talk of reality, augmentations, cyborgs… and I have it sitting right in front of me. Next week, I will attempt to conduct the entire #MSCEDC activity from within “virtual reality” via my HTC Vive (At least those actions which would normally happen for me on-screen). We’ll see how that goes.
I struggle with the concepts that are put forward in some of the papers. I am a pragmatist learning about post-humanism; semantics; cyborg manifestos (which I’ve yet to read). Part of me doesn’t care as long as I can produce something at the end of it. Part of me is also massively intrigued, at least about my own capacity to understand and decode.
If anyone else has access to a VR device, let me know. Perhaps we could meet up in Altspace.
From Twitter: More IFTTT tinkering…
It takes up time to set up, but I hope this works. Perhaps a “manual” cut and paste is as quick in any case?
Thanks @Eli_App_D very useful. Thanks @Cheneehey for suggesting that technique for comments on other peoples' blogs
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter – Feedback loops
I’m not sure how to resolve the feedback loop here thanks to IFTTT’s apparent lack of conditional logic (am I missing something?) But I will try to go in and delete these types of posts. Feedback loops, now where did I read something about those in the course readings…. Time to leave the screen for a bit.
New blog post entitled: "No available means to edit CSS, or add plugins?" at
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter
New blog post entitled: "From Twitter, with love… not." at
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
No available means to edit CSS, or add plugins?
It’s a shame we don’t have more access to our WordPress installation. Part of the “fun” is the plugins!
Also, the CSS. No means to edit the CSS.
The sludgy green colour is not of my choosing. I stick to this statement no matter how many pairs of trousers I have in my wardrobe that are more-or-less the same hue.
From Twitter: still ironing out the kinks of IFTTT
I’m sticking some of these together now.
IFTTT WordPress -> Twitter (and back again….)
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
@Cheneehey Commented on your blog for moderation regarding flotation tanks! Also, how did you IFTTT your comments on other peoples' blogs?
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter: Virtual Reality Classrooms?
If you can get your preferred platform, system, device in the classrooms around the world then you stand to gain financially. So why not talk up your investment’s future.
"VR development becomes most popular class in colleges globally" they would say that #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
But it also works both ways. Will education demand the technology?
"Education becomes major VR growth driver" in 2017 #mscedc according to HTC #theywouldsaythat.
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter, with love… not.
I like when technology works. I like it a lot. But at the moment, this is not working reliably. Subsequently to the tweet below, I now have to enter into each post and setup the IFTTT twitter URL as a link via the WYSIWYG and then update the post. But it only works if you click the WYSIWYG link button and then press submit. Any other click between the two, and the tweet will not embed as this one here:
Changing my WordPress template changed the display of twitter links on my blog! Happy days #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter: Twitter Meta
Looks like IFTTT was good for one thing: it's created a nice list of #mscedc tweets and tweeter via the list applet
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
Last week, I created an IFTTT applet to draw together people who were using the #mscedc hashtag on twitter. It worked! It’s useful, because I can follow the people and keep up with their tweets.
From Twitter: still with the formatting issues
Thank you @c4miller – it made me smile as I have been 'fighting' with embeds all afternoon. Solution was bizarre: will do a post #mscedc
— Clare Thomson (@ClareThomsonQUB) January 29, 2017
IFTTT WordPress -> Twitter (and back again….)
Can’t say I’m enjoying using IFTTT at the moment. I’m sure I grasp it. It just lacks enough hooks to make it really versatile. Or perhaps I don’t grasp it, and it requires problem solving on your own. I have made a living largely reliant on not being slow on the uptake when it comes to “new” technology, so I don’t like to be beaten. Turns out that the reason I couldn’t get my tweets to display in a reasonable acceptable aesthetic manner was because of the WordPress template.
Now I’ve sorted that, the IFTTT feed from twitter isn’t updating my blog.
Meanwhile, I’ve added an IFTTT applet which posts “blogpost” category WordPress entries in to Twitter. Which will create a single feedback loop, unless I can find the “If this then NOT that” equivalent…..
From Twitter – More togethertubes
@Eli_App_D @fleurhills @helenwalker7 6pm GMT
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
From Twitter: Politics, the world and education
@HerrSchwindenh_ More than ever!
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
Virtual Cinema
A comment on Eli’s blog around this image which I hastily crafted in Photoshop to illustrate my point regarding a sense of nausea induced by movement on-screen that’s either jerky or not within the viewer’s own control:
I ended up watching this piece of youtube content:
What I took note of was the three camera points, which is not uncommon in VR youtube content, but worth pointing out
- The “experience” shot, i.e. what is being viewed (in 2D) by the person who is viewing it in 3D within the headset
- The headmounted display’s external view, from a camera in or on the device (e.g. the HTC Vive’s built in front-mounted camera)
- and a fixed shot of the play-area
When using VR, we are augmenting our own ability. To see what our normal vision would let us see. But we’re also cutting our own body off from stimulus that we can physically touch. Nevertheless, watching someone using VR, certainly brings to mind thoughts around the organic merged with the physical. It will become normalised. I was recently asked “Do I feel silly wearing it”. The same person tried VR and realised how “feeling silly” just doesn’t come in to it. Assuming VR is not a passing tech fad, and Gartner ( would have VR placed on the “slope of enlightenment” having passed through the “trough of disillusionment” already, that’s got to suggest that it will become more mainstream than it is perceived currently. I wonder if anyone looking at the video and thinking the person looks silly perhaps has not yet tried this form of VR and can’t project themselves in to that person’s position.
Base Image sources:
Occulus Cinema :
Screenshot taken from “Eli’s EDC Blog” :
Comments on Mathew’s Blog and From Twitter
Open means open, and you can take advantage of opportunity to discuss, or not…
Massively out of my depth but when that has ever stopped anyone contributing a comment on a public blog? #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
JANUARY 29, 2017 AT 4:11 PM
I read your post twice and skimmed it several times, went out for some fresh air, then came back to it with a cup of tea, before committing to this comment. I don’t have an existing field of studies to draw upon to make more sense of it than I do. I’m not a scholar by trade, but I embarked on this MSc to learn, and I am interested in what you write because I can feel it scratching away at my brain, even if it’s beyond my initial attempts to unlock its meaning or access the background it comes from.Continue reading “Comments on Mathew’s Blog and From Twitter”
from Twitter: another togethertube session
Film Festival catch-up. How are folk fixed for Monday evening? Perhaps 6pm GMT? #mscedc
— Helen Walker (@helenwalker7) January 28, 2017
@fleurhills @helenwalker7 See you both there. Anyone else for a Monday showing via togethertube? #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: More togethertube.
IFTTT – If “MSCE” + “Important” THEN “put in work calendar”.
@helenwalker7 thanks again for this, Helen. Weekend and evening warriors unite please count me in. This is now in my calendar #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: blog post comments
Hunting around fellow #mscedc student blog entries. First one visited I dropped a comment on. Anyone care 2join in?
— C (@c4miller) January 29, 2017
from Twitter
Ninefox Gambit [spoilers] and Embodied Virtuality
I not long ago finished a book I was gifted at Christmas time. “Ninefox Gambit” by Yoon Ha Lee (2016) . I really enjoyed it, nice and short, fast paced and an interesting, alien culture. I tend to read a lot more books at this time of year. When it’s dark, cold and wet outside, and you’ve just got back in from a surprise snow storm during your dog’s evening walk, the fire is burning and the comfy sofa awaits…. There are spoilers in this post so please do look away now if you plan to read this book and do not like to know the ending before you start.
Continue reading “Ninefox Gambit [spoilers] and Embodied Virtuality”
From Twitter: useful links, shared
@Tauraco nice link. thanks for sharing. I have an online friend who will love that. Free internet points for me. I share with you +1 😉
— C (@c4miller) January 27, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: interesting from games perspective
Computer gaming is a hobby of mine. I’m interested when the worlds of digital education and gaming overlap.
Life after #MSCEDC? or too soon 😉 Spotted DIGRA in Silver (2006). Looked interesting from games perspective
— C (@c4miller) January 27, 2017
from Twitter
“Where is Internet Studies?”
I was strangely disappointed to find out that this title by Silver (2006) wasn’t a plaintiff cry for something that didn’t exist, but rather a call to map the progress of the discipline at that time. I wonder if, ten years on, much has changed?
From Twitter: “Fill your boots”
@LinziMclagan Fill your boots, as they say in these parts… 😀 Go for it!
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: Continual process of improvement?
Institutions often give an appearance of leaving adoption of certain technologies to the last minute, resulting in significant changes in a relatively short period in response to external influences such as the National Student Survey (NSS).
Does UK Higher Education adopt tech gradually or does it binge when problems rise to the surface? Continual process of improvement? #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: Hello World?
Helping others in the community overcome their own technical gremlins.
@LinziMclagan Receiving! Is your blog fixed now?
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter
Anyone on #mscde #mscedc any experience of Online Ethical Review Systems? I’m looking to upgrade something I built at work many years ago .
Anyone on #mscde #mscedc any experience of Online Ethical Review Systems? I'm looking to upgrade something I built at work many years ago .
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: And so it begins
Spammers found me already. Have they found you? #mscedc #curseofopen
— C (@c4miller) January 25, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: What is “normal” anyway?
Pointing back at one of my blog posts.
Could you decide what is "normal"? Should you even try if it means missing out on understanding ourselves? #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 23, 2017
from Twitter
From Twitter: Still dreaming of Minecraft
Anyone want to collaborate with me on a Minecraft build of a cinema for #mscedc? I have a plan to split cinema in two….
— C (@c4miller) January 22, 2017
@Comcultgirl @helenwalker7 Oooh, could we use the MSc Minecraft World? That would be great! 😀
— C (@c4miller) January 23, 2017
from Twitter