@LinziMclagan Fill your boots, as they say in these parts… 😀 Go for it!
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/c4miller
Just another Education and Digital Cultures 2017 site
@LinziMclagan Fill your boots, as they say in these parts… 😀 Go for it!
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/c4miller
Institutions often give an appearance of leaving adoption of certain technologies to the last minute, resulting in significant changes in a relatively short period in response to external influences such as the National Student Survey (NSS).
Does UK Higher Education adopt tech gradually or does it binge when problems rise to the surface? Continual process of improvement? #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/c4miller
Helping others in the community overcome their own technical gremlins.
@LinziMclagan Receiving! Is your blog fixed now?
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/c4miller
Anyone on #mscde #mscedc any experience of Online Ethical Review Systems? I'm looking to upgrade something I built at work many years ago .
— C (@c4miller) January 26, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/c4miller