Tweetorial and TweetArchivist – my thoughts

How has the Twitter archive represented our Tweetorial?

TweetArchivist has represented our “intensive tweeting” period as a series of graphs, tables and word clouds. It has used quantitative measurements such as a sum (e.g. total number of tweets per user), averages (e.g. word clouds) and counts (e.g. number of hashtags used). It has done so with a tool that is not specifically designed to offer learning analytics. Not say that fact precludes its presentation from being used in such a manner, which I’ll get to later in this post.

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From Twitter – delegating to the machine

I *think* I probably got to this point in the write up of the tweetorial, but basically, the level of interpretation identified by Helen does suggest that there is some merit in academics being more explicit in feedback, lest students take an altogether different reading….

Some thoughts down on video ahead of my tweetorial write-up

Never sure how to get video to embed properly in this blog from the media service, and I’m out of time, so here are a couple of links to the same thing:

From Twitter

Given Haraway raised the issue of gender and sci-fi earlier in my blogging, I thought that this collection could be relevant. I haven’t purchased it, because I’m still working through a bunch of Christmas and birthday books. There is a mix of male and female authors in that list. Are there noticeable differences between sci-fi written by either gender?

Digital Essay Component via Twitter



From Twitter – If you ever need an example of the need for thorough preparation…

And here’s the image in question:

From Twitter – Multilingual Debate 2017

“This house believes that robots will soon be a positive and defining feature of our daily lives”.

I was part of the organising committee for a large event the Multilingual Debate 2017 which happens every year. It’s actually TWO events morning and afternoon, both on-campus and streamed online. Our students simultaneously interpret the entire debate in to multiple languages (including British Sign Language). Capturing this online is no mean feat, and we used a variety of social media to try to engage our online viewers, including Twitter.

From Twitter

Robots, AI and algorithms are heavily intertwined. The use of education has been discussed, but someone brought up the implication of using advanced technology in war. Thsi is harking back to the dystopian future revealed in Terminator and other such movies, but is becoming a very real concept, so much so that it’s brought up during a debate where the audience on-campus consists mainly of high-school aged children. It’s hard to imagine what sort of world our sons and daughters will grow in to. Certainly I doubt my parents would have imagined anything like we have now.

Week 9 – Round Up

All of my life-stream posts this week came from Twitter. I need to get some space from the discussion, to see how much contextualization is required for each post. Not every post I made is covered in the life-stream, at least.

The Twitter Tutorial was surprisingly taxing. Keeping track of multiple threads of discussion; trying to get across your point of view in just 140 characters, or far fewer when factoring in the Twitter furniture than comes with every post. This reminds of why I have previously decided not to use Twitter.

Examples of the themes that I picked up on during the tutorial are:

I felt the benefits of discussing my ideas with the class. Their feedback was helpful. There’s plenty to digest and consider. I haven’t reeled it all in as much as I would like. Having installed Twitter on my mobile phone, I do find that it’s quite invasive, so maybe something will pop up that I’m hard pressed to ignore. I would like to spend a bit of time reflecting on the themes raised during the tutorial and pulling in some images and videos.

Also, I have decided to pursue the use of Turnitin, similarity and plagiarism as my piece of assessment. Some form of video as suggested by James in last week’s feedback. Perhaps a mini-documentary of sorts.