How algorithms shape our world

We live in a world run by algorithms, computer programs that make decisions or solve problems for us. In this riveting, funny talk, Kevin Slavin shows how modern algorithms determine stock prices, espionage tactics, even the movies you watch. But, he asks: If we depend on complex algorithms to manage our daily decisions — when do we start to lose control?

from Pocket

I thought this TED talk was interesting as Slavin indicates that the way humans and algorithms interact is an ‘ecosystem’, a complex interconnected system when one facet cannot survive in the same way without the others. This supports the idea that ‘spaces…cannot be entirely controlled by teachers, students, or the authors of the software’ Knox (2014).


Knox, J. K. (2014). Active algorithms: sociomaterial spaces in the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC. Campus Virtuales, 3(1): 42-55.

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