New for 2017 – creating a lifestream via IFTTT so this is my first test tweet for the #mscedc module. Also ‘hello’…


A new journey

Education and Digital Cultures is my third module for Digital Education and probably the one that I feel least prepared for. The only direct experience that I think I have is from the #edcmooc back in 2014 and thinking about assemblages in the Digital Student Experience module last semester.

My natural tendency is to put the human before the technical and I wonder if this will change over the course. Is the boundary between the two going to blur?

Finally,  I am wondering along with other fellow students how I am going to ensure that I make sense at the end of each week of my (compulsory) lifestream of consciousness via IFTTT.  We haven’t stated yet but already new technologies explored and still more to go.

Let the adventure begin…