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We have discussed, shared and debated the pros and cons of all things digital in today’s world but over the last week technology has allowed me to connect with someone that I had no physical access to. This link, simultaneously fragile and strong, was nothing short of miraculous at the centre of an extremely difficult time.

Just Pinned to #mscedc: Close Up Photography of Spider Web · Free Stock Photo

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Just Pinned to #mscedc: | Sensemaking with Learning Analytics @gsiemens #apereo14 keynote | I’m connecting the dots and hoping the apereo community gets on board with a full scale development of learning analytics open platform as an LMS plug-in.

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Just Pinned to #mscedc: (4) Twitter
Even though this graphic is for a training audience I thought it captured the message well that as educators we should be guiding and facilitating the learner to build their own meaning and knowledge.

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Just Pinned to #mscedc: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Paying With Your Face – MIT Technology Review
This is more an image for the next block but it also seemed to visualise the complexity of being an assemblage in an online community.