For @edonald774 , here is a comfy… (whatever I am). And in case anyone was wondering: I am doing these pics to learn about myself. Who am I? Will I learn this by looking at me? Do my clothes shape me? Are likes important? How do I react to them? Which hashtags trigger automatic likes? Am I superficial? Vain? Does it matter? What’s online got to do with it? #research #potd #selfie #jeans #ootd #happyday #look #man #boy #casual #comfy #online #life #live #monday

For @edonald774 , here is a comfy… (whatever I am). And in case anyone was wondering: I am doing these pics to learn about myself. Who am I? Will I learn this by looking at me? Do my clothes shape me? Are likes important? How do I react to them? Which hashtags trigger automatic likes? Am I superficial? Vain? Does it matter? What’s online got to do with it? #research #potd #selfie #jeans #ootd #happyday #look #man #boy #casual #comfy #online #life #live #monday

via Instagram

One thought on “For @edonald774 , here is a comfy… (whatever I am). And in case anyone was wondering: I am doing these pics to learn about myself. Who am I? Will I learn this by looking at me? Do my clothes shape me? Are likes important? How do I react to them? Which hashtags trigger automatic likes? Am I superficial? Vain? Does it matter? What’s online got to do with it? #research #potd #selfie #jeans #ootd #happyday #look #man #boy #casual #comfy #online #life #live #monday

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