Week Review 11

Week Review 11

With fervor I read and think and write about what I increasingly see as two favourite strands of thinking of mine. One being philosophical, the other being creative – which sounds terribly vague. What do I mean by this:


So that I may perceive whatever holds
The world together in its inmost folds”

Does it all make sense and if so which? Who are we and why and what does digital education have to do with it? This strand of thought has almost no connection with studying how to assess student achievements in an online context or scaffolding or similar practical ideas.

The other passion is creativity. It is nothing I chose, rather something that chose me. I enjoy applying my philosophical thinking in creative ways, playing around, foolin around, hoping to give a body to a thought. So I play with video, sound, image.

Both come together in my digital artefact, when I take a radically philosophical approach and turn it into a very physical form. It takes passion to question the very core of your work. I wake up in the morning, have my first coffee on bed, pick up my iPad and start working. Every single day, Monday to Sunday. I chose Digital Education freely. I do it because I want to. It is my passion, allowing me to be who I am. Philosophical and creative and thus not only have meaning and purpose for myself, but contribute to what I feel passionate about. My artefact will do nothing less but ask if what I love exists and if so, what it is: Digital Education.

One thought on “Week Review 11

  1. I wrote and posted this post one week too late. Yet the digital technology which is WordPress enables me to alter the publishing date, so I dated it back a week. What does this say about the culture of cheating in a digital environment? I would say a bank robbery is still a bank robbery, no matter if you gomin with a gun and out with bags full of cash, or wether you hack into the servers and transfer money to your own account. Evil is an idea, not a technicality.

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