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Month: February 2018

This Simple Technique Can Help You Raise More Confident Kids, According to Neuroscience

This Simple Technique Can Help You Raise More Confident Kids, According to Neuroscience

Say you get a nasty email from a client. Or you have to fire an employee. Or you’re pitching to investors on zero sleep. Entrepreneurs face no shortage of stressful interactions, and many are turning to one particular form of mindfulness for help. –>> via Pocket
“Unser einziger Fehler ist, dass wir eine russische Firma sind”

“Unser einziger Fehler ist, dass wir eine russische Firma sind”

Kein leichter Job: Kasperskys neue Europa-Chefin Ilijana Vavan spricht über den Spionageverdacht gegen den Antivirensoftware-Hersteller – und fordert, dass schon Schüler lernen, sich vor Angriffen zu schützen. Keine Antivirensoftware wird von Deutschen so häufig gekauft wie die von Kaspersky. –>> via Pocket
Distinction bias: Why you make terrible life choices

Distinction bias: Why you make terrible life choices

There I was, looking at an enormous wall of television screens. Each one flashed the exact same scene — a beautiful flower slowly blooming to reveal each petal, pistil, and stamen in exquisite super high definition detail. It was downright sexy. But now it was time to make my choice. –>> via Pocket