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Month: March 2018

The Diet That Might Cure Depression

The Diet That Might Cure Depression

Several studies show that healthy eating is connected with better mood. At the turn of the 20th century, prominent physicians who were trying to understand where mental illness comes from seized on a new theory: autointoxication. –>> via Pocket
What Is Mindfulness and How Does It Work?

What Is Mindfulness and How Does It Work?

It is readily arguable that the single most significant development in mental health practice since the turn of the millennium has been the widespread emergence of mindfulness-based approaches. They are popping up everywhere you look. Type “mindfulness” into Google and you get 27 million hits. –>> via Pocket
Deutschland hat ein Alkoholproblem

Deutschland hat ein Alkoholproblem

Jeder Mensch in Deutschland konsumiert pro Jahr im Schnitt eine Badewanne voller alkoholischer Getränke, zeigt eine aktuelle Untersuchung. Beim Rauchen liegt vor allem eine Tabaksorte im Trend. Die Menschen in Deutschland konsumieren nach wie vor viel Tabak, viel Alkohol und viele illegale Drogen. –>> via Pocket