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Month: October 2018

The 100 greatest foreign-language films

The 100 greatest foreign-language films

Three years ago, BBC Culture ran its first major critics’ poll, to find the 100 greatest American films. Two further polls looked for the best films of the 21st Century and the greatest comedies ever made – and those also ended up with films from the US in the top spot. –>> via Pocket
Learning Theory

Learning Theory

I have been working for the HoTEL EU Support Action recently at Brunel University and I was asked to produced a report on learning theories – a struggle, since there seem to be so many ‘isms’ and often I come across what seems to be the same theory, but from a different disciplinary or prof –>> via Pocket
Depression: Darum erkranken so viele Deutsche daran

Depression: Darum erkranken so viele Deutsche daran

Auf den ersten Blick malen die Zahlen, die Eurostat, die Statistikbehörde der EU, in dieser Woche veröffentlicht hat, ein düsteres Bild von Deutschland. Sie besagen, dass etwa einer von zehn Deutschen in jüngster Zeit unter einer chronischen Depression gelitten hat. –>> via Pocket
Expansive New Study Says Not Exercising Is Worse for Your Health Than Smoking

Expansive New Study Says Not Exercising Is Worse for Your Health Than Smoking

It’s common knowledge that there are many benefits to being fit, but one large new study found that skipping out on the gym is practically the worse thing you can do for your health. In fact, the study claims not exercising might be more harmful to your health than smoking. –>> via Pocket


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What Are We Like? 10 Psychology Findings That Reveal The Worst Of Human Nature

What Are We Like? 10 Psychology Findings That Reveal The Worst Of Human Nature

By Christian Jarrett It’s a question that’s reverberated through the ages – are we humans, though imperfect, essentially kind, sensible, good-natured creatures? Or deep down are we wired to be bad, blinkered, idle, vain, vengeful and selfish? There are no easy answers and there’s clearly a –>> via Pocket