Millennials can’t even with your bad grammar and spelling. That’s according to a poll conducted by Harris for, which found that 74% of Americans ages 18 to 34 are annoyed by grammar and spelling mistakes on social media, the Associated Press reports. –>> via Pocket
How to Tell if You’re a “Highly Sensitive” Person—and How to Deal With It
Eltern schicken ihre Kinder aus zweierlei Gründen in den Kindergarten: Erstens, damit sich jemand um die Kleinen kümmert, während sie arbeiten oder andere Aufgaben erledigen und zweitens, um sie für die Schule vorzubereiten. Und zwar bestmöglich. –>> via Pocket
Der christliche Glaube gilt meist als westliches Phänomen. Doch anfangs breitete sich die Lehre Jesu vor allem im Osten aus, sagt der Oxforder Historiker Peter Frankopan. Sogar im heutigen Afghanistan gab es Bischöfe. –>> via Pocket
Hatte Jesus einen Beruf? Wie prägte ihn der Wirtschaftsaufschwung in Galiläa? Was unterschied ihn von anderen Predigern? Eine Spurensuche im antiken Palästina. Dass er lange Haare, einen Bart und womöglich dunkle Augen hatte, kann man annehmen, aber es ist nirgends verbürgt. –>> via Pocket
All the president’s men and women: how disobedient aides saved Trump
The myth of Donald Trump presents him as a man of authority, a leader loved and feared, a boss who demands loyalty – and gets it. –>> via Pocket
These words, recorded in the Gospels as being spoken by Jesus during the Last Supper, are said daily at Church services around the world before the communion meal is eaten. –>> via Pocket
This Is What Science Says About People Who Like Being Alone
According to a 2016 study by researchers at Singapore Management University and the London School of Economics, those who exhibit high IQ scores experience lower life satisfaction when they socialize more often. And that means those smarty pants types likely choose to spend more time alone. –>> via Pocket
Childhood lost as pressure mounts in and out of classroom
It’s not only in schools that children face pressure today. At home, parents demand performance not only in academics but also in extra-curricular activities. The situation is turning so alarming that children in the age group of 5-10 years are suffering from anxiety and depression. –>> via Pocket