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Month: July 2019

How to Fight Toxic Masculinity

How to Fight Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity is best described as a box. It’s narrow, rigid, and men have to contort themselves to fit inside it. The man box also requires that men buy into a rigid hierarchy in which straight men are dominant over everybody else. –>> via Pocket
Humans aren’t designed to be happy – so stop trying

Humans aren’t designed to be happy – so stop trying

A huge happiness and positive thinking industry, estimated to be worth US$11 billion a year, has helped to create the fantasy that happiness is a realistic goal. Chasing the happiness dream is a very American concept, exported to the rest of the world through popular culture. –>> via Pocket
I’ve been a ‘millennial therapist’ for more than 5 years—and this is their No. 1 complaint

I’ve been a ‘millennial therapist’ for more than 5 years—and this is their No. 1 complaint

Let me start by saying that I never expected to be a “millennial therapist” when I entered the field of psychotherapy 10 years ago. But five years into practicing, I began to notice an influx of millennial seeking my help. Now, 90% of my patients are between the ages of 23 to 38. –>> via Pocket
Apple und Apfel

Apple und Apfel

Der Preis des Fortschritts? Die Schülereltern eines Gymnasiums in Südbayern erfuhren kürzlich in einem Rundschreiben, dass er 400 bis 500 Euro beträgt: Etwa 300 Euro für ein iPad der fünften Generation, dazu eine Schutzhülle ab zehn Euro, plus Geräteversicherung, die zwischen 69 und 169 Euro –>> via Pocket