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Category: Lifestream

Spektakulärer Fund in Mexiko Menschen könnten schon vor 30.000 Jahren in Amerika gelebt haben

Spektakulärer Fund in Mexiko Menschen könnten schon vor 30.000 Jahren in Amerika gelebt haben

Seit wann leben Menschen in Amerika? Diese Frage beschäftigt Wissenschafter schon lange. Der Fund von Steinwerkzeug in einer mexikanischen Höhle könnte nun Aufschluss geben. Bereits seit mehr als 30.000 Jahren könnten Menschen in Amerika gelebt haben – gut doppelt so lange wie bisher angenommen. –>> via Pocket
The 10 Commandments of Podcasting

The 10 Commandments of Podcasting

Right now, it seems like businesses right and left are starting podcasts, many as a way to help counteract slower-than-normal sales. As of July 2020, there are more than a million podcasts and more than 29 million episodes available for listening, according to Podcast Hosting. –>> via Pocket
Engaging With The Arts Is Related To Greater Wellbeing (But It’s Not Entirely Clear Why)

Engaging With The Arts Is Related To Greater Wellbeing (But It’s Not Entirely Clear Why)

Social isolation and fears for our family and friends, as well as ourselves, have all affected psychological wellbeing during the COVID-19 lockdown. But being unable to visit an art gallery, theatre or live music venues may also have taken its toll. –>> via Pocket
Philosopher Flattens Evolutionary Psychology

Philosopher Flattens Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary psychologists have a knack for simple, memorable descriptions of their view of the human mind. For example, “Our modern skulls house a stone age mind.” That hits a lot of the right buttons, doesn’t it? We all know people that, we suspect, think that way. –>> via Pocket
Backpack Studio 4+

Backpack Studio 4+

Easily create professional sounding podcasts and radio on the go, from anywhere – using only your iPhone or iPad. Your show is automatically mixed and mastered while it’s being recorded. Focus your time and energy on being creative, instead of doing post-production work. –>> via Pocket