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Tag: menschheit

Beim Kennenlernen bewerten euch Menschen anhand dieser zwei Fragen, sagt eine Harvard-Psychologin

Beim Kennenlernen bewerten euch Menschen anhand dieser zwei Fragen, sagt eine Harvard-Psychologin

Wenn wir neue Menschen kennenlernen, bilden wir uns innerhalb weniger Sekunden eine Meinung über sie. Und andersherum werden wir geanauso schnell eingeschätzt. Aber was genau entscheidet, ob uns eine Person mag oder nicht? –>> via Pocket
There’s no such thing as an ‘objective view’ of something

There’s no such thing as an ‘objective view’ of something

A person’s perception of the world around them is a complex process that goes far beyond wavelengths of light hitting the back of the eye. It involves multipart transformations by the brain and is biased by what we a person has seen previously and what they know to be true about the world. –>> via Pocket
When did we become fully human? What fossils and DNA tell us about the evolution of modern intelligence

When did we become fully human? What fossils and DNA tell us about the evolution of modern intelligence

When did something like us first appear on the planet? It turns out there’s remarkably little agreement on this question. Fossils and DNA suggest people looking like us, anatomically modern Homo sapiens, evolved around 300,000 years ago. –>> via Pocket
Researchers Assume White Americans Are More Representative Of Humankind Than Other Groups, According To Analysis Of Psychology Paper Titles

Researchers Assume White Americans Are More Representative Of Humankind Than Other Groups, According To Analysis Of Psychology Paper Titles

It’s well-known that psychology has a problem with generalisability. Studies overwhelmingly involve “WEIRD” participants: those who are western and educated, from industrialised, rich and democratic societies. –>> via Pocket
Anyone Who Doesn’t Know The Following Facts About Capitalism Should Learn Them

Anyone Who Doesn’t Know The Following Facts About Capitalism Should Learn Them

In 1820, 94% of the world’s population was living in extreme poverty. By 1910, this figure had fallen to 82%, and by 1950 the rate had dropped yet further, to 72%. However, the largest and fastest decline occurred between 1981 (44.3%) and 2015 (9.6%). –>> via Pocket
Spektakulärer Fund in Mexiko Menschen könnten schon vor 30.000 Jahren in Amerika gelebt haben

Spektakulärer Fund in Mexiko Menschen könnten schon vor 30.000 Jahren in Amerika gelebt haben

Seit wann leben Menschen in Amerika? Diese Frage beschäftigt Wissenschafter schon lange. Der Fund von Steinwerkzeug in einer mexikanischen Höhle könnte nun Aufschluss geben. Bereits seit mehr als 30.000 Jahren könnten Menschen in Amerika gelebt haben – gut doppelt so lange wie bisher angenommen. –>> via Pocket