Ca 250,000 people demonstrating in Berlin today for an open society and solidarity. „Indivisible“ – #Unteilbar
Can we make this a European thing or even global?
Ca 250,000 people demonstrating in Berlin today for an open society and solidarity. „Indivisible“ – #Unteilbar
Can we make this a European thing or even global?
@ulfposh Ich fürchte als Mitarbeiter des Axel Springer Verlages sehen Sie die bürgerliche Mitte nur, wenn Sie nach links schauen. Aus Ihrer Warte muss ja fast alles extrem links erscheinen.
Just learned that #himtoo it not about male offenders but about men who pretend to be victims. Oh dear. Clearly used the wrong hashtag for Cristiano…
About Cristiano Ronaldo: #himtoo
@DejanFreiburg @Staugsaubaer Das meiste was man so über die Gefahren von Screens hört ließe sich ebenso über Bücher oder Kochlöffel sagen.
@realDonaldTrump #feminism #girlpower #KavanaughConfirmed #oldwhitemen #KavanaughVote
As every country on the planet seems deeply divided right now while at the same time being at each other’s throats, chances are better than ever to end this experiment called „human race“.
Dear USA, here is a public billboard ad for sweets, spotted in the city center of Berlin, Germany. You are welcome. ♥️
@chrisguillebeau Kentucky
@LauAnshul @diekremserin @Apple I do not believe there is any such thing as a „crucial“ new emoji. Yet I can‘t wait to see the new „school massacre“ emoji or the „there is a flood in Asia“ smiley… Am I being cynical? Is there an emoji for that? 😉