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Tag: ungleichheit

Early Humans Probably Didn’t Evolve from a Single Population in Africa

Early Humans Probably Didn’t Evolve from a Single Population in Africa

Homo Sapiens are incredibly diverse — we live in wildly different societies, follow different rules and love and fear different gods. Despite that awesome diversity, mounting evidence suggests the first humans were even more different from one another than we are today. –>> via Pocket
Humans did come out of Africa, says DNA

Humans did come out of Africa, says DNA

The DNA of living humans is revealing the secrets of our evolution, reports Jeremy Thomson. Archaeologists are still not sure when and where modern humans first appeared. Some believe that Homo sapiens evolved independently in several places around the globe. –>> via Pocket
Evolutionsforschung: »Mein Rat: Heiraten Sie eine Nigerianerin«

Evolutionsforschung: »Mein Rat: Heiraten Sie eine Nigerianerin«

ZEIT Wissen: Herr Professor Jones, wann befreit uns die Evolution endlich von Rückenschmerzen und Dummheit? Steve Jones: Leider müssen wir uns darum selbst kümmern – der Mensch wird sich in absehbarer Zeit nicht mehr an äußere Bedingungen anpassen. Unsere Evolution ist beendet. –>> via Pocket