2 Replies to “Tweet! By jove I complete a MOOC course”

  1. Eli,

    This is wonderful! How did you manage to do the full MOOC in such a short period of time? Did you crash course this MOOC or was it only for a few weeks?

    The reason I ask is due to my current xMOOC releasing new content at the end of each week. I’ve only completed week 2 and even i wanted to speed ahead, I can’t. I Unfortunately need to stay in line with the rest of the participants.


  2. To be honest it wasn’t a huge amount of work. Because the xMOOCs are video based and video is the best medium for me for learning, I found it really easy, plus the way it’s put together actually felt really personal and at no point did I ever feel I was on my own.

    Assignment wise, there were the standard multiple choice quizzes and a photo exercise every fortnight for peer review which was how you cemented your learning.
    I really enjoyed it and I plan continuing with the MOOC to complete the full 5 weeks if I can.

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