#mscedc https://t.co/Zh3eQZkR3L
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 29, 2017
New Biesta paper available for those who are intereted
NOT just another Education and Digital Cultures 2017 site
#mscedc https://t.co/Zh3eQZkR3L
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 29, 2017
New Biesta paper available for those who are intereted
@philip_downey I remember the excitement of my first startac phone – which looked like a communicator#mscedc
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 29, 2017
It’s always a great feeling when we connect with our classmates. I’ve never met Philip, he lives miles away across the pond and I probably will never meet him, but there are moments when I feel close to him, that we have more similarities than dissimilarities and it’s a nice feeling.
Thank you technology for helping this happen.
Just looked at the calendar and saw how long we have until we submit our assignments, anyone else PANICKING!!!??? #mscedc
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 29, 2017
Time is a very precious commodity for me, everything takes me longer to process, to read and to write, so assignments are particularly scary because of the set time factors.
@ClareThomsonQUB @philip_downey hows this for an idea… u guys come up with the portrait idea & i'll shoot it (if I can) #mscedc
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 28, 2017
I wondered, could I come up with a “hollow portrait” for MSCEDC, something for us all to take away after the course as a reminder of our time together?
What would be in a self-portrait of MSCEDC, to represent our experience?
@philip_downey @ClareThomsonQUB I like the sound of that. The coffee machine is in reach but alas no Irish cream #mscedc
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 28, 2017
This conversation was one of those smiley moments where we connect with each other over the spread of the planet and recognise our joined human traits 🙂
We were jus chatting about comforts, but it also reminded me of a comment Colin had made way back in the fist block where he needed another cup of coffee to get through the Donna Haraway paper. I wonder, did any of us find that easy?
The algorithm automatically pulls in short clips from video-sharing sites like YouTube when you hit play on Shaking Chains’ Midnight Oil. The short bits of footage are shown back to back with the band’s track playing over the top.
from Pocket http://ift.tt/2onD3Ym
After all our talk of algorithms and education, I found this a really nice “smiler” so thought I’d share. A music group using an algorithm to change the experience for viewers watching their music video. A nice change from algorithms pulling information out, instead, algorithms creating art?
@dabjacksonyang lol some of us have been doing lecture capture for a few years already 🙂#mscedc
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 23, 2017
It’s always interesting how some TEL initiatives are pitched, sometimes we get it right, sometimes we get it wrong.
Lecture capture is one of those oops moments. It’s not new, it’s not something we are suddenly going to be doing, but because it’s just a part of teaching which has worked away quietly in the background for those who have chosen to use it, it feels like such a big deal now because so many parts of the institution staff have never been involved with or aware of the work that has been going on. The marketing pitch that has been used to “sell” things hasn’t helped, making it out to be so much more than it is. The big deal is more about the technical aspect of how we will make this available for those who chose to use it on such a large scale, how we will teach our students to make the best use of this as a learning tool and how as educators we will make the best use of it.
If all we do is record lectures and make them available, we are wasting a valuable opportunity to create new learning opportunities and work on new methods.
If we want to control how a technology is being used (pushed on us), we have to take ownership of it, we have to test it, tweak it, find areas where it is a benefit and show areas where it doesn’t work as hoped.
Some fun to distract from algo. Is tech enhanced learning affecting on campus lecture attendance? #mscedc (lunch time photo practise) pic.twitter.com/Zv6CFqDJAi
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 23, 2017
I try to spend my lunch break practicing my photography skills I am learning on my MOOC course, today I was taking photos of a lecture theatre at work which was empty (it was lunch time after all) and it made me consider the impact of digital education and the question of…
Is digital education an enhancement to current practices or is it the realisation of the MOOC hyperbole of 2012?
This came to mind as I know that there is an imbalance between some of the student body and some of the faculty of UoE, where students are asking that lectures are recorded to be used as study aids, and some faculty are reluctant to do this, with one reason being a fear that it would lead to a drop in numbers in the actual lecture.
I understand these worries, after all, if your lecture is consistently half empty, it could be mistakenly thought that your class is not popular. However is this not a similar chain of thought to the one saying that students aren’t attending the lecture if they are not in the lecture hall as deliver the lecture? Instead, could we say that recorded lectures, in fact extend that lecture period, that the learning can now be happening way past the close of the live lecture and into time perods where the student can be more productive? That maybe students may actually be more present in a lecture and making better use of it if they can participate at times when they know they will take the most on board?
Digital education is such a varied and huge topic, but I also believe it’s more than an enhancement of current methods, I believe it’s a philosophy of encompassing the whole. A chance to experiment and learn, to change for the better or discard that which doesn’t work, a chance to make use of new tools and technologies where appropriate and more importantly an opportunity to raise the bar rather than follow a path.
@jimmy_coleman yeah, we did a tweetorial on it last week and we were all getting loads of new follows.#mscedc #mscidel
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 22, 2017
Ok I’m going to explain the cheese thing which happened during the tweetorial. it seemed crazy to some of our class, but I assure you it was a genuine testing of algorithms.
During the tweetorial, there was a question raised about the amount of new followers some of us seem to have collected especially since the algorithm block of the course. This led to an experiment to find out what was catching the attention of whatever bot or algorithm which was deciding that these random people would be interested in our tweets. Hence Nigel’s play with hashtags and keyword son cheese. I had done the same on roller skates, but since I was working during the tweetorial I only managed a couple of tweets on this, so poor Nigel took the brunt for the weirdness.
I didn’t get any new followers interested in roller skates 🙁 but it was really interesting to try to reverse engineer the algorithm.
@philip_downey Thought of you Phil. https://t.co/uFjPa1jQJr#mscedc
— Eli's inane rambling (@Eli_App_D) March 22, 2017
It’s a nice feeling when you see something and instantly know one of your classmates would be interested in it. It shows the community building going on, that we are getting to know each other and more importantly that the work each of us does on this course, resonates with our classmates.