More than three-quarters of American adults own a smartphone, and on average, they spend about two hours each day on it. In fact, it’s estimated that we touch our phones between 200 and 300 times a day—for many of us, far more often than we touch our partners.
from Pocket
I’ve included this on the lifestream because it reminded me of one of the challenges presented by big data outlined by Eynon – inequality. Big data, she argues, may both reinforce and even exacerbate existing social and educational inequalities – Eynon particularly points to those who are online more frequently (those people, as far as she is concerned, who are in a particular socio-economic bracket).
But these few lines gave me pause for thought:
I’d argue, contra Eynon, that in fact the socio-economic bracket to which she refers is (very much) potentially indicative of one’s ability to protect oneself online – able to afford to download tor browsers, for example. So it’s not that more data will be collected about people of a specific socio-economic status; it’s that those of a different socio-economic status may be less able to control what data is collected.