Liked on YouTube: Are We All Cyborgs?

Liked on YouTube: Are We All Cyborgs?

Are We All Cyborgs?

Whether it’s using animals to farm, the printing press or the modern computer, there’s no doubt technology has played a hugely important part in our lives for as long as we can remember. But today, there are more and more people mixing technology and biology in what is quickly emerging as a cyborg identity. But what counts as cyborgian? Pacemakers and bionic limbs, sure, but what about glasses? Fitness trackers? Yoga? Or even… birth control? Today Mike sits down with Rose Eveleth, host of the podcast Flash Forward to discuss what our modern day perception of a cyborg is, and why it might not be totally accurate.


  • Hypnosis and yoga as cyborg capabilities…?
  • Cyborg – women – controlling the body – birth control.
  • What ‘feels’ like cyborg technology?
  • Body Hacking Con
  • Posthuman – focus is on the human
  • Haraway – the ways in which women are subversive – their bodies are ‘unnatural’.
  • What is the normal body? What is an enhancement? What is a medical necessity?
  • You get to choose your identity; open up more choices for people. Cyborg can be an identity – something you can identify as.
  • What is the way to be your best self?

To  read: Katherine Hailes – How we became Posthuman




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