Comment on Visual artefact by hwalker

Comment on Visual artefact by hwalker

Chenée: as I mentioned to Nigel ( I was hoping that the images would prove to be similar rather than contrasting; that’s also the reason why I ’embedded’ the modern within the old – to try and suggest that the design of our educational spaces has not really shifted or developed in line with our use of technologies. I was really interested to see that you had used an old (Victorian?) classroom in your artefact too. I find it befuddling really: I’ve been involved in a number of school new build programmes and the default design is always comprised of little teaching boxes…

Data is all-pervasive in secondary education in a way which it wasn’t when I first started teaching nearly twenty years ago. I fear – like you suggest – that data is reductive and fails to reflect all that is important about the individual learner. As you’ll have seen at BETT, there are so many ‘data dashboards’ on the market now, but very few of them go beyond allowing for the logging of quantitative data or – importantly – giving the student themselves a voice. As Hattie highlights (Hattie & Timperley, 2007) , student feedback on their on own learning is one of the key factors in improving attainment: it’s a key AfL principle and yet is ignored within the dashboard marketplace.

from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog

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