Comment on Lifestream summary: week 4 by hwalker

Comment on Lifestream summary: week 4 by hwalker

I’m fascinated by AfL and the the application of theories in practice. I focused a lot on student to teacher feedback during the Learning Analytics module, with the results of Hattie’s ‘Visible Learning’ research informing much of my work. As you suggest, however, it is worth considering differentiated and personalised approaches to assessment and AfL approaches. For me, it’s not that I mind peers reviewing and commenting on my work; rather, I am intimidated by the quality and rigour of much of theirs! I suppose that one of the outcomes of this might be an improvement in my own contributions but it is not a comfortable process and it makes me reflect on how some of my students must have felt when I used to share their peers’ work with them as exemplars of best/model practice.

An interesting question about community-building. I very much feel like we are in the nascent stages of building our EDC community of inquiry developing our social and cognitive presence. Garrison and Anderson suggest that yes, ongoing interaction is important. However, this interaction may be in the form of us continuing to review and reflect upon one another’s work and progress via the blogs. I think, as you suggest, that considerations around community building (and Garrison and Anderson’s work in particular) will be useful to hold in mind as I embark upon my MOOC.

With regard to the ethical considerations, I’m interested as to when it is appropriate to let other MOOC participants know that we are carrying out research. Ethically, I feel that it should be at the outset. However, I am concerned that this will have a negative impact on the nature of the interactions I am able to establish with my fellow course participants. It’s really interesting to be embarking upon research within a field which is still grappling with and defining its own codes.

*Garrison, D. and Anderson, T. (2003), E-Learning in the 21st Century. Routledge-Falmer, London

from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog

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