Comment on MSCEDC MOOC Ethnography by jlamb
Echoing everyone else’s comments here, Helen, great work.
I especially liked the sequence from 00:36 to 00:43 where the frantic typing, flashes of screen content and then the frustrated sigh seemed to perfectly capture the dissonance between your expectations of the MOOC (based upon the subject matter) and your experiencing of it. And all achieved without any description through spoken or written commentary. Great stuff.
I know we touched on this as you made plans for sharing your research, however I see this your work autoethnographic approach where you placed great emphasis on your role and experience as the researcher, rather than looking to focus on the rituals of the observed community. At the same time this was a really great – in fact very successful – way of overcoming the challenges around ethics and permission.
Skating off an a tangent for a moment, from time-to-time there have been conversations from students and tutors on the Digital Education programme about getting programme hoodies (as in hooded sweatshirts), in the same way that this has become popular for campus-based programmes. Over the last few years it has been fascinating to see how keen students have become to publicly identify themselves as part of the Medics, Law, Chemistry, Hockey, Drama communities and so on. So, if the Digital Education Skating Society comes about I can put you in touch with the people who make the hoodies and other merchandise đŸ˜‰
from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog