Comment on Lifestream summary: week 7 by jlamb

Comment on Lifestream summary: week 7 by jlamb

Hello Helen, great summary here.

And that’s great that you’ve been able to put the mid-point feedback intro practice straight away. Thanks for the use of orange text: that was really thoughtful and, in a prolific lifestream blog, guided me towards the new content.

‘commenting on others’ netnographies; I intend to continue to do more of this over the coming days. As well as offering insightful commentaries on the MOOCs, the submissions also offer a variety of creative approaches to using a range of tools. I particularly liked Eli’s use of Adobe Spark and Myles’ use of Padlet.’

This is interesting: it suggests that the character – the make-up – of your lifestream was at least partly influenced by a desire to explore new digital resources that you might try out.

More broadly, the shape of your lifestream seems to have been heavily influenced by the sharing of the micro-ethnographies, as you touch on. In the coming weeks it might be interesting in these summaries to reflect upon how the subject matter and course design for a particular week has an impact in influencing the variety of content in your lifestream.

When the time is right, let me know if you want to chat around ideas for the final assignment: or indeed you can very validly explore them here in your blog (although if you want my thoughts do send me an e-mail just in case I overlook it). There’s no rush on this though as there’s time set aside towards the end of the course to think and talk through assignment ideas.

As something of an aside, bearing in mind the challenges you encountered around your micro-ethnography, it’s great to see that it has been picked up by so many of the group (18 comments and counting!).

Great work, Helen.

from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog

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