Comment on Lifestream summary: week 9 by hwalker

Comment on Lifestream summary: week 9 by hwalker

Hi James,

Great to chat with you and the rest of the group in the Hangout earlier.

‘it was great to see how Twitter enabled these other voices to momentarily ‘join our class’.’
Yes: absolutely! It was really exciting to see experts join us. For me, our hashtag functions to offer a sense of us being ‘removed’ from the wider twitterverse; the activity in the tweetorial reminded me that we are, as ever on this course, learning in public.

‘The sociomaterialist perspective of the ‘the constitutive entanglement of the social and the material’ (Orlikowski, 2007) and, therefore, the technical, is a seam which has run throughout our blocks of study and was highlighted in both the Siemens and Williamson readings.’
Like you, I feel this has been a thread that has run through the course, although it has particularly come to the fore around cybercultures and now algorithmic cultures. I think it very helpfully challenges us to move beyond critiques of digital education where we are ‘done unto’ by technology, or simply use technology as the means of production.’
I think this will be – necessarily – one of the focuses of my final assignment. I’m finalising ideas for content and form and look forward to discussing these with you next week.

from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog

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