Comment on Instagram: The history of algorithms. by hwalker
It’s like an ‘Only Connect’ wall…
from Comments for Chenée’s Education & Digital Culture blog
I visited others’ blogs again this week but had no reciprocal visits. Our ‘mobility’ between blogs has, in my experience, been limited; a core group of us have used Twitter as our ‘homing’ space (Brah, 1996; Fortier, 2000). That is where we ‘reground’ (Ahmed et al 2003). Eli established a Facebook group at the start of this EDC, but that has remained underused. I’ll be interested to see what others think:
Why have we used Twitter more than other comms on this course? Just my perspective? Have you spent time 'in' others' lifestreams? #mscedc
— Helen Walker (@helenwalker7) April 8, 2017