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Month: April 2017

Comment on Pinned to Education and Digital Cultures on Pinterest by hwalker

Comment on Pinned to Education and Digital Cultures on Pinterest by hwalker

Helen, I empathise! For most of the duration of this course, I’ve battled with a very slow and erratic broadband connection and this has impacted on how I work and what I produce (and I too am trying to avoid conveying a sense of technological determinism). In some ways, being ‘slowed’ has proven to be a positive: I can’t quickly move between streams and sources, so I have to focus. However, on the other hand, it’s simply a complete pain. Looking forward to getting back to fibre in a few weeks.

Your lifestream’s looking great by the way. Best of luck with the final assignment.

from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog

My way of working has been impacted by the dreadful connectivity I’ve had whilst I’ve been living in an old farmhouse on the coast in Cumbria. Technology has determined how I can work, when I can work and what I can work on. As I noted in my comment to Helen, it has even impacted on how I think: I can’t ‘jump’ between applications and sites and have had to become more mono-focused.

I’m looking forward to fibre at the end of the month…I will be a more effective cyborg again.

Comment on Instagram: The history of algorithms. by hwalker

Comment on Instagram: The history of algorithms. by hwalker

It’s like an ‘Only Connect’ wall…

from Comments for Chenée’s Education & Digital Culture blog

I visited others’ blogs again this week but had no reciprocal visits. Our ‘mobility’ between blogs has, in my experience, been limited; a core group of us have used Twitter as our ‘homing’ space (Brah, 1996; Fortier, 2000). That is where we ‘reground’ (Ahmed et al 2003). Eli established a Facebook group at the start of this EDC, but that has remained underused. I’ll be interested to see what others think:

@srjf Thanks for link and for help. Yes: I need to upload content which hasn’t been published elsewhere. Thinking of using #mscedc

@srjf Thanks for link and for help. Yes: I need to upload content which hasn’t been published elsewhere. Thinking of using #mscedc


Virtual mobility: a drift into ‘our’ network, bringing with it some welcome support and advice. Is this need to connect attributable to what was identified by Simmel as a uniquely human will to connection?

‘Bridge and Door’ (Simmel, 1909)

‘The Metropolis and Mental Life’ (Simmel, 1903)

Lifestream summary: week 11

Lifestream summary: week 11

This week has been spent thinking about, and starting to collate content for, the final assignment*. At the start of the week, I was unsure about both its form and its content. However, following a very useful email exchange with James, the former is now more defined. I’ve decided to create a photo diary of a typical day (or part of a typical day) which highlights and reflects upon the various digital and technological entanglements which are part of my experiences. Thinking about form is proving more tricky due to a (perhaps unfair) PowerPoint aversion, but I‘m getting there.

I’ve also spent some time reviewing this lifestream blog in preparation for writing the final entry next week. It’s interesting to observe the development of voice and form as it progresses. What becomes apparent as I assess the lifestream content is that we have become a learning community which uses Twitter extensively, more so (as James highlighted in last week’s hangout) than previous cohorts. It’s interesting to consider why this medium appeals; it is more ‘natural and immediate’ than commenting on others’ blogs and feels more akin to the sort of conversation we might have f2f. The reading and commenting on others’ blogs, however, offers the space and time for more considered and critical reflection. All interesting things to note as I think about how I can apply some of the techniques and approaches from the course in my own professional practice.

*as well as starting to move house…**

**…which in itself has brought with it a raft of reflections on the algorithmic results which have resulted from the connected online activity…


Ghost in the Shell review – Scarlett Johansson in a thrillingly sordid world | Film | The Guardian

Ghost in the Shell review – Scarlett Johansson in a thrillingly sordid world | Film | The Guardian

” For every shot of a generously breasted naked cyborg plummeting from the top of a building, there was a scene in which characters grappled with knotty philosophical questions. What is the nature of identity when the brain is souped up with cyber-implants and the soul is reduced to a series of electrical impulses? (Incidentally, the question of why a cyborg would need a gigantic pair of knockers in the first place was left unanswered.)”
from Diigo

Bathos at its most politically incorrect best.

@srjf Thanks Simon! Not sure that Storify offers the ability to upload images – only grab them from other feeds? #mscedc

@srjf Thanks Simon! Not sure that Storify offers the ability to upload images – only grab them from other feeds? #mscedc
