Comment on Pinned to Education and Digital Cultures on Pinterest by hwalker
Helen, I empathise! For most of the duration of this course, I’ve battled with a very slow and erratic broadband connection and this has impacted on how I work and what I produce (and I too am trying to avoid conveying a sense of technological determinism). In some ways, being ‘slowed’ has proven to be a positive: I can’t quickly move between streams and sources, so I have to focus. However, on the other hand, it’s simply a complete pain. Looking forward to getting back to fibre in a few weeks.
Your lifestream’s looking great by the way. Best of luck with the final assignment.
from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog
My way of working has been impacted by the dreadful connectivity I’ve had whilst I’ve been living in an old farmhouse on the coast in Cumbria. Technology has determined how I can work, when I can work and what I can work on. As I noted in my comment to Helen, it has even impacted on how I think: I can’t ‘jump’ between applications and sites and have had to become more mono-focused.
I’m looking forward to fibre at the end of the month…I will be a more effective cyborg again.