@c4miller I do it all the time, my office is never stationary, I constantly work on the go! Technology keeps me ‘connected’ #mscedc

@c4miller I do it all the time, my office is never stationary, I constantly work on the go! Technology keeps me ‘connected’ #mscedc

“Our relationship with our cyber objects is part of our real, material, embodied life, life lived with families, life lived on the move, juggling between our various roles and responsibilities.” ( Massanari & Jones, 2006. p64)


This extract from Chapter 5  ‘Catching Waves’ by Wendy Robinson captures my entangled relationship with technology. I feel that I can be both ambitious in my career , a supportive teacher, an ardent student but keep on top of my family life and fulfil my role as a loving mother. Utilising the technology available puts my mind at ease as it allows me to be in more than one place at a time.


Massanari, A,. & Jones, S. (2006). Critical Cyberculture studies. New York, NY: New York University Press


from http://twitter.com/LinziMclagan

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