Does fear prevent change?
Today I had to remind myself of my love to learn; I had lost my sense of purpose within the first and second week of the digital classroom due to fear. Anxiety, fear of losing control and being unable to think or speak (write) clearly all came into play as I looked at digital in the context of educational settings. It made me realise that if I were fearful then how must my students feel. I began to question if fear prevents growth?
Knowledge can help overcome fear, but what if the student is paralysed online because they are afraid of failing, that their ignorance will be exposed, they lack the knowledge and understanding or that they will look foolish in front of peers.
Through my online lifestream, I felt detached from reality as I charted unknown territory and encountered a paradox where technology made life easier but also made it more complex.
Through the course readings particularly by Bayne (2010, 2015) and Miller (2011), I remind myself that anxiety and fear of technology are common. Fear of failure means that we care. Fear can be healthy, and as humans, it helps us survive, learn and grow. Ubiquitous computing and communication can help us promote change particularly in a world where teaching, learning, and technology are enmeshed.