Tweet! Can you cheat the Multiple Choice Quiz system?
I am left feeling disheartened about the multiple choice quiz and I’ve started to pick away at the issue of identity and integrity. What if I were only interested in the certification and not bothered about learning. What if I just guessed and made selections like Russian roulette to find the correct answer? Or what if I were to allow someone with better knowledge of the topic to take the quiz instead using my log-in? I am starting to question the value of the accreditation. Are MOOCs just for learners to enhance their knowledge rather than for ambitious or evidential reasons? Now, Marshall (2014) speaks of the electronic marking system and that the absence of formal qualification and the free access lowers respect and that there is high risk of cheating. He states that cheating may seem inconsequential but the openness and lack of privacy may be detrimental for their future career. Selecting a box has currently lowered my expectations of what a MOOC can do for me in regard to my Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Marshall, S., 2014. Exploring the ethical implications of MOOCs. Distance Education, 35(2), pp.250–262.
@rennhann limitations give motivation to 'learn', I'm considering guessing week 2 until its right&see if any repercussions🙊 #rebel #mscedc
— Linzi McLagan (@LinziMclagan) February 18, 2017
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