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Day: February 25, 2017

This image captures how I feel on my xMOOC – self directed learning is like finding motivation to take myself for a walk. Success is on me – turning responsibility away from institutions and onto the (in)adequacy of the self. #mscedc

This image captures how I feel on my xMOOC – self directed learning is like finding motivation to take myself for a walk. Success is on me – turning responsibility away from institutions and onto the (in)adequacy of the self. #mscedc

from Flickr

“The quantity of human labour and ingenuity that has gone into building net-based communication systems in a very short space of time is unprecedented.” (Lister,2009. p165)

High expectations of technology and sci fi from Block 1 (Cyber Cultures) makes me feel that technology may not have a consciousness but they are intelligent. Consciousness and Intelligence are different. Yes, technology can become more intelligent but I have no fear in them killing us but instead a fear that we may find ourselves redundant. Labour goes into creating machine but will it last forever.

Thanks to Chenée, I feel a little relieved that AI is unlikely to replace our jobs as choreographers. In the field of dance, individuals wear many hats and one may find themselves in the role of a performer, artist, teacher, educationalist, choreographer or researcher.  This role can evolve through their journey and career in dance until finding a specialism.  As a dance educationalist, I hope to use technology to enhance the educational aspects and safe practice of dance.



Lister, M. … [et al.], (2009) “Chapter 3. Networks, users and economics” from Martin Lister … [et al.], New media: a critical introduction pp.163-236, London: Routledge