Technology Made Us Human?
This video was brought to my attention by Philip one of my peers on the EDC course. Whilst viewing I was on the fence but believe that technology and todays culture is enmeshed. Whenever there is discussion around technology and dance particularly dance education, there is fear. Dance like technology is continually evolving. However, if the inevitable will happen should pioneers within dance turn their back on technology as a teaching tool and leave a technologist to create the software and implementation? If technology is to be used within dance pedagogy, should it not be the dance specialist(s) that look at ways to enhance teaching?
Kozinets (2010) states that we choose technologies through our actions and ideas proposed which in turn adapts and shapes how we use them. Our beliefs and attitude towards technology come to play and the culture and technological interact is a ‘complex dance’. Wouldn’t it be nice if the dance specialists and technologists created a collaboration that intertwined?
Kozinets, R. V. (2010) Chapter 2 ‘Understanding Culture Online’, Netnography: doing ethnographic research online. London: Sage. pp. 21-40.
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