Experience the Shakespeare Shuffle in 360

Experience the Shakespeare Shuffle in 360

Oh, look what popped up in my YouTube video recommendations…..Algorithms are at play due to my 360 degree video search last week. If you missed it last week, go on try it out, it’s your TURN to give it a WHIRL. The experience is a whole lot more interactive on your smartphone! Algorithms may limit cultural experiences and social connections (Beer, 2016) but it can also bring little gems to us. Big Data and the work of algorithms is subjective as is all forms of individual and social conditioning. It may affect our behaviour but that comes from an analysis of our behaviour patterns. Boyd & Crawford (2012) insist that we should ask which systems are driving these practices and which are regulating them!
Beer, D. (2016). The social power of algorithms. Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/1369118x.2016.1216147
Boyd, Danah, & Crawford, K. (2012). CRITICAL QUESTIONS FOR THE BIG DATA. Information, Communication & society, 15(5), 662-679. DOI: 10.1080/1369118x.2012.678878
Liked on YouTube: Experience the Shakespeare Shuffle in 360 https://youtu.be/GM8hscEqD3M

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