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Category: Week 2

When bullying becomes virtual

When bullying becomes virtual

Bullying and aggressive behaviour is something that has been a problem even before technology was involved. Technology has allowed individuals to hide behind a keyboard and verbalise more than they would in the company of the other person. So how do we address the issue? What exactly do we monitor? Do we look for the behaviour in the child that may be bullied? Do we monitor the online communication between peers? Or do we interact with individuals in an environment where empathy, morals and ethics can be discussed face to face?


Pinned to Cyber Counselling on Pinterest

Pinned to Cyber Counselling on Pinterest

Can we get the same affects through online mediums? Is the use of voice, tone and expression one that helps comfort and the presence of another provide an environment that allows one to open up and feel a connection?


Just Pinned to Cyber Counselling: Cyber Counselling: An Innovative Field Education Pilot Project: Social Work Education: Vol 32, No 4
Found on Pinterest
A community course for sure……

A community course for sure……

What a wonderful online community we have as part of the EDC course. I have never met these people or have I had prior communications but from the start I could sense warmth and I feel and value the support. The human drive to socially connect and interact motivates my learning and involvement. Eli kindly created a visual demo of how to set up my WordPress comments through IFTTT. Not only was the creation simple and helpful, it was a moment of genius to help the rest of the EDC cohort. Eli may teach others how to use technology but it seems to be in her nature to help those around her, whether in a physical or virtual space.

When there is no visual element to instructions I just hit a wall!

When there is no visual element to instructions I just hit a wall!

The WordPress site provides a huge amount of information on how to set up your ‘WordPress Blog’ BUT there is so much alien information that I don’t know how to navigate my way through the content or put it into action. If I try to figure it out on my own then I get more and more confused!! So, I called an SOS tweet to my EDC peers via Twitter.


Ok peeps, next hurdle…how do I get my comments on another WordPress blog to link to my own blog on WordPress??? 🤦#mscedc

Ok peeps, next hurdle…how do I get my comments on another WordPress blog to link to my own blog on WordPress??? 🤦#mscedc
