This video and information provided below is what I feel describes Williamson’s (2014 p.98) description of ‘smart’ pedagogic systems created from Learning Analytics(LA). By using LA in this way we can create an academic and psychometric profile for each individual user which can be compared and matched with an entire population of user profiles.
Williamson, B. (2014). Governing software: Networks, databases an algorithmic power in the digital governance of public education. Learning, Media an dTechnology, 40(1), 83-105. DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2014.924527
Description from YouTube:
Insight is the world’s first intelligent learning system that provides objective and detailed measurement and analysis of early vision and cognition behaviours using eye gaze technology.
Featuring engaging small step progressive teaching activities delivered at the right level and pace for each individual’s unique learning style.Core Skills Assessment
Insight uses Intelligent Analytics, based on real data, designed to meet the needs of students with complex physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities.
Progression Map
Insight has specially designed activities arranged in a Progressive Road Map of skills with small incremental steps to ensure success and motivation at each learning stage. Each activity has been mapped to well-respected special education assessment and teaching techniques plus the latest clinical theories.
Insight Analysis
Insight provides detailed eye gaze analysis and interpretation of students’ behaviours and offers an invaluable insight into students’ strengths and areas of difficulty to help inform all teaching practice. Insight is the first of it’s kind to offer unique calibration and device independent scores to include all learners.
Progress Tracking
Teachers can now track performance in all learning goals to give a snapshot of overall progress whilst evaluating performance over time. Insight will also compare an individual’s performance to that of similar peers across the globe – a world first!
Insight provides objective intelligent suggestions that guide activity choices based on scores, skill progression plus eye gaze data from peer groups. Activities are recommended across a range of learning goals to suit individualised learning styles.
Liked on YouTube: Insight – Intelligent Learning Analytics for Students with Complex Needs [Pre Release BETA Version]