Same digital ethnography presented in different modalities: compared with Insightful #mscedc

I found this parallel while preparing an assignment for the ‘Research Methods’ course, and thought it worth including here. The two links within this Tweet refer to two representations of the same online ethnography (and associated semi-structured interviews and other qualitative analyses) undertaken by Bonnie Stewart. One is a formal academic paper, the other a set of slides from a presentation.

Academic papers are, for me, familiar fare. The slidedeck was the true find. And it has been illuminating to look through nearly a dozen of Stewart’s Slideshare presentations, and see how she uses the same slides in different orders, in different contexts, and sometimes with different interpretations attached to them.

An added bonus is discovering Slideshare. This looks like a wealth of diverse presentations, diverse in both content and modes.

I’ve not had much experience in using visuals to communicate findings, and Stewart’s slidedecks have helped me see what is possible in this format. At the same time, it’s widened my aperture about how to present online ethnographies. Great to come across, and to learn from.

And, a grounded reminder of this (thanks, James…), especially c. 2:50 mins in:

