#mscedc Okay, time for sharing my Power of Colour MOOC net/ethnography https://t.co/pSy9XkfgqU. Comments to:… https://t.co/eSlZ9KdwNc

from http://twitter.com/Tauraco

One thought on “#mscedc Okay, time for sharing my Power of Colour MOOC net/ethnography https://t.co/pSy9XkfgqU. Comments to:… https://t.co/eSlZ9KdwNc”

  1. I was initially quite concerned that my ethnography on Future Learns MOOC on the Power of Colour was going to be somewhat superficial and without much depth but it appears that its managed to bring out the pitfalls and ongoing issues with massified education and its associated disjointed and complex communities. I will definitely make use of the Padlet tool more in future as it has a unique ability to combine imagery, text and video in a visual tapestry of ideas and thoughts. Though some credit must go to the subject of the MOOC itself as its lent much sparkle to the review itself.

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