@lemurph @padlet Enjoyed this Helen. Also had some dissonant views to share. Not as creative as yours, mind😉 https://t.co/smie03NwlM #mscedc

from http://twitter.com/Tauraco

One thought on “@lemurph @padlet Enjoyed this Helen. Also had some dissonant views to share. Not as creative as yours, mind😉 https://t.co/smie03NwlM #mscedc”

  1. It appears my dissonant views were not appreciated by all and I was roundly challenged on one particular summation. Granted, I probably didn’t show full consideration and probably should not have named individuals exactly but I think this proves a lot of the points we have been making throughout this course such that it is difficult to fully determine the sentiments of a statement without the context of the spoken or personally delivered word.

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