Found this when Googling cyberculture timeline. Page it's from dead link so will add my own interpretation #mscedc
— Nigel Painting (@nigelchpainting) February 4, 2017

When I first saw this timeline my baser instincts thought this was a timeline of pornography (paintings in 1478, video in 1977, CD in 2006 and virtual reality in 2016)! However, I’m sure there’s more significance to the dates and it’s probably not the following:
1478 – First printing of Anathomia corporis humani (the first complete published anatomical text).
1977 – VHS video machines released in USA
2006 – Introduction of Blu-ray Disc
2016 – TNW is the logo for ‘The next web’. Linking back to the 1478 date the 2016 date might relate to a VR tour inside the human body that was released on Steam and the Oculus store.
The relevance here is to the periodisation Sterne (2006) refers to. I’m beginning to see that the three blocks of this course, cyberculture, community culture and algorithmic cultures do not refer to particular eras and I will return to this later when we’ve concluded all three block.
Sterne, J (2006) The historiography of cyberculture, chapter 1 of Critical cyberculture studies. New York University Press. pp.17-28. (ebook)