‘Real life’

I thought long and hard before writing this post and eventually decided that from time to time it’s inevitable that there will be events from one’s social life that should be included this type of Lifestream.

Today I learned that a colleague I’ve worked with for over twenty-five years has passed away, much too young and with so much still to offer.

Those sort of events knock you sideways, at the same time putting life into perspective and making you appreciate what you have all the more.  One small positive that has come out of this sad news is that I’ve caught by phone with ex-colleagues I haven’t spoken to in five years or more.  All understandably shocked and stunned, but thankfully all well and enjoying life.

So that will be today’s blog post.  Ironically as the colleague was part of my social network I guess there’s even some tenuous relevance.

Rest in peace.

Sunset over the Isle of Skye, Scotland
Sunset over the Isle of Skye, Scotland

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