This is a really interesting post Chenée, and performativity is certainly a productive way of analysing lifestream blogs on this course. Do remember, however, that the focus of these weekly summaries should be directed at your lifestream content specifically, rather than general reflect on the course. We need to see how you are explaining your lifestream choices each week.
Nevertheless, this is a super reflection, and one that definitely has a place in your blog. The nature of what we’re trying to do with the lifestream – logging our activity on the web – necessarily blurs the boundaries between our ‘learner’ and our ‘social’ identities (amongst others). I do feel that we need to curate our lifestream, as part of showing our awareness of how we present ourselves, and our activities, online. Working on the public web as we are on this course will encourage more of a ‘content collapse’ than other courses, however we should be making choices about what is relevant.
from Comments for Chenée’s Education & Digital Culture blog