Comment on Week 2 Synthesis by jknox

Useful summary Daniel!

Good to hear that you are now happy with your blog, and well done for persisting with the organisation and customisation. These first two weeks are definitely an opportunity to experiment, and you’re now hopefully in a good place to work on the content.

Remember that the weekly summaries should be direct reflections on your lifestream content from the previous week – why you added specific videos or tweets, and how they relate to your thinking about the course. Try to get that kind of focus in future summaries.

Perhaps you could tweet specific posts that you’d like to get comments on? I’m sure people will respond to a request!

‘1.) Record a cybernetics inspired spoken word improvised music piece with my band.’

This sounds fantastic! We’re definitely trying to encourage audio (as well as visual) responses to the course themes, so this would be a superb addition to the block.

from Comments for Daniel’s EDC blog

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